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Well, it was a disappointing result, but I want to go ahead and review the Bama game, so we can officially move on to LSU and put this game behind us. I’ll start by giving credit where credit is due. Hats off to Alabama. Despite what everyone said after the USF game, Alabama is still pretty good at football. Especially their defense. They made it difficult to get any running game going, and Jaxson was running for his life as soon as the ball was snapped all day long. Our playbook was split in half because of it, and it was nearly impossible to find any kind of rhythm. Despite that, however, we still had a chance in this game because our defense played their asses off! We’ve got more depth at defensive line than I can remember in a long time, and the total defensive effort was fantastic! Tennison, Coleman, and my MAN Suntarine Perkins! #4 should be on the field at all times, and you can’t tell me otherwise. I don’t care if he doesn’t know a single defensive play or package, or if he even knows what position he’s playing. He’s the most talented player on our team, and he just makes things happen! Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough.

The first quarter was all we could’ve asked for. I would’ve liked to score on the first drive, if I’m getting greedy, but to see our defense hold them to a field goal, force them to punt, and then get a red zone interception on Alabama’s first 3 possessions?!? That’s unbelievable! That was the script for a game we were going to be in until the end. We’re up 7-3 with the ball on the Alabama 18 with a 3rd and 12. The only thing that you can’t do here is take a sack. We take a sack. Okay, fine, just punt it away. False start. Blocked punt. UGH! We got lucky that it only cost us 3 points, but it was the first huge momentum shift. Then, right before the half, after getting deep into Alabama territory, Caden Davis misses the 34-yard field goal. Are you kidding me?? The same guy that has hit 50+ yarders with ease and been automatic. Nonetheless, we’ve got a lead going into the half, 7-6. This is where it all happens. The missed field goal, followed by the next three possessions decided the game. Bama comes out and gets a field goal to go up 9-7, and then it's our turn. The ball is kicked out of bounds, and we get a first down. We’re at the 50-yard line. 2nd and 6. We’re rolling, just keep doing what we’re doing. We’re right in this thing. Nope! How about, for no reason at all, we throw a deep ball into double coverage for an EASY interception? I’m not sure if Jaxson’s eyes were even open. I still can’t explain it. I mean, I understand the idea to take a shot, but that doesn't mean throw the ball NO MATTER WHAT. Alabama goes on to score a TD, get the 2-point conversion, and play with the lead the rest of the game. Now they get to play exactly how they want to. Run the ball, run the clock, and play defense. There was more football played, but that was where it all ended. That sequence is what put the nail in the coffin, and the game was over in the next 30 minutes due to these new indefensible college football rules that basically never stop the clock. We couldn’t afford to make a mistake, and we made one. We needed to play with a lead and force Milroe to be in a position to make a mistake. As soon as he didn’t have to be a hero, they just ran it down our throats and suffocated us on D like an anaconda. It was depressing to watch and rewatch, and I’m sorry you just had to emotionally relive that with me. Let's move on together. Time to bury those emotions and pray they don’t come out in therapy 10 years from now. LSU blog on Friday. GTH LSU!

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Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Sep 26, 2023

Astute observation, Mr Davis

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